Sunday, March 2, 2008

English number plates are illegal

English and Welsh number plate campaign

Join the campaign to put pressure on the London Government to legalise (cyfreithloni) the use of the Welsh and English flags on the number plates of vehicles.
In 2001 the then Westminster Transport Minister promised that the UK Government would legislate to allow the use of national flags (baner) on cars. Nearly seven years on the London Government has yet to act.
If you think that the people of Wales and England should be legally entitled to use our national flags as a symbol of our identity on the number pates of their vehicles. Show Gordon Brown that we’re English or Welsh and proud of it!
If you think that the people of Wales and England should be legally entitled to use their national flags as a symbol of their identity (hunaniaeth) on the number pates of their vehicles, join the campaign by signing the petition (deiseb) below.;lID=1

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